SCRAPpy bracelets are one of our favorite crafts to bring to fairs and festivals for people to make and take home. The inspiration? Sterile acupuncture plastic tubes (they hold the acupuncture needles before the needles are used) that Karen's been diverting from the waste stream for awhile. Karen makes awesome jewelry with the tubes by wrapping them in fabric, paper or yarn and making them in to earrings, bracelets and necklaces. Here's one of the bracelets.

Super cool, huh? Karen also made a rockin' display board so you can have step by step directions on how to make fabric/paper/yarn beads at home and create your own jewelry. Any kind of tube will do--try using used juice box straws.
Make the beads:

Play with the beads:

So there you go. All you need to know about making beads. Have fun!