Happy 2013, folks! The Re:Boutique will be open again tomorrow -- and every Thursday -- noon to 8. Here's a further look at our artists and some of their excellent work. Whether you come to buy or just marvel at the ingenuity on display, let us know what you think!

Like so many of the people we meet, artist Judith Capen [judith (dot) capen (at) architravepc (dot) com] doesn't restrict herself to a single medium. For our September art show, we displayed her quilt and 3-D sculptures. Now she's crocheting these fun clutches out of a mix of VHS tape and yarn. The tape gives them strength, the yarn makes them soft (especially when it's of the eyelash variety, as above), and the aesthetic is somehow chic and elegant.
Judith has also done some beautiful paintings of the flowers she grows. These were turned into lovely cards that she puts together with those flowers' seeds -- so you can buy her art and do some planting of your own.
Rebecca Kallem [rebeccamarion (at) gmail (dot) com] makes jewelry from scrap fabric and leather, paper, and abandoned game remnants like stray dominoes and puzzle pieces. Every now and then, she'll take apart old bracelets and necklaces that are missing some hardware or are just plain outdated. They, too, get incorporated into something new and unique.
The artists at Bahari Deco Crafts use the scraps generated from the totes and other products they make to create eye-catching note and gift cards. We love the bold graphics and think you will, too. In fact, once you narrow down which one/s to buy, will you really send them along to others or just keep them for yourself?
One more in this series is on the way!
Excellent continued coverage of the series. I especially like the reclaimed game pieces to make jewelry. I'm going to keep an eye out for those next time I visit. Happy 2013 to SCRAP!